Transform your life with the powerful Enneagram map.
Services Offered
Things to Note:
All services booked online are offered virtually. Email to get on the waitlist for in-person local bookings or to book custom engagements.
Prices include in-person meetings in Minneapolis or St. Paul and surrounding areas. Any in-person meetings outside of the Twin Cities require travel fees.
Getting started
Starts with an overview of the Enneagram. We’ll then work together to find your individual type.
Delving in
Engage in self-discovery work using the Enneagam system. Become a more self-aware therapist & learn how to use the Enneagram system to be a better therapist & offer more precise & effective care to your clients.
Staff or team development
Starts with an overview of the Enneagram. From there we’ll determine individual types and how your team can best work together. -
Hire The Enneagram Dr for speaking engagements or workshops.
Didn’t find what you’re looking for?
If you’re looking for another way to work with me, please reach out via the button below and be as specific as possible.